
Your Personal Data

The purpose of this policy is to explain when, why and how we process information that may relate to you (“Personal Information”). It also contains important information about your legal rights. This policy is not intended to override the terms of any contract you have entered into with us or your rights under data protection laws.

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

Send promotional emails related to products and services. See also Section 6 below regarding direct marketing. Analyze information in our systems and databases to improve how our business and website operate according to your preferences and to provide you with a better service and user experience.
Improving and targeting the advertising you receive from us.
Sign up for chat forums or communities where you can post comments.
Comply with or exercise our legal obligations or rights;
We will only process your personal data for the purposes set out in this Section 3 and if we ensure that:

If you consent to us using your data in this way, or our use of your personal information is necessary to support our "legitimate interests" as a business (for example, to improve our products or perform analytics across data sets).

How We Process Any Personal Data

Your personal data is used by us for the legitimate interests of Casifriends.com. This includes:

  • Analysing provided information to improve the quality and content of our website in order to directly address user interests, preferences, and queries. This is in the service of a better experience and service to our readers.
  • Geographically targeting the content of our articles, providing pertinent information to our readers which updates depending on the location from which our webpages are accessed.
  • Exercising any legal rights or obligations we may be entitled to or responsible for.
    The above is subject to your consent to our use of cookies. Your consent is given through an informational banner presented to you once you access any of our webpages.

Who do we share your personal data with?

We work with many third parties, to help manage our business and deliver services. These third parties may from time to time need to have access to your personal data:

  • Our analytics service providers (such as Google, Hotjar and VWO), who process personal data for their own purposes as Data Controllers. Please refer to our Cookie Policy in the Appendix below in order to identify how you may prevent access to your personal data by analytics providers.
  • Service providers or data processors that handle your personal data on our instructions, for example cloud services.
  • Our subsidiaries in the Growth Leads Limited group, located inside or outside the EU/EEA. Transfers of personal data will be subject to Growth Leads Limited intra group data transfer agreements.
  • If we are under a duty to disclose to comply with a legal obligation or protect our interests or security.
  • In the event we sell, buy or re-organise any business or assets, or if our assets are acquired by a third party, including prospective sellers or buyers.

International Transfers

International Transfers mean that personal data is transferred to a country outside the European Union.

As set out in Section 4 above, we may allow access to your personal data to third parties who may be located outside the European Union.

We may also disclose your personal data if we receive a legal or regulatory request from a foreign law enforcement body outside the European Union.

We will always take steps to ensure that any international transfer of information is managed to protect your rights and interests. Any requests for information that we receive from law enforcement or regulators will be carefully checked before personal data is disclosed.

You have the right to ask us for more information about the safeguards we have put in place as mentioned above. Contact us (see Section 8) if you wish further information.

Direct Marketing

We will use your personal data to send you direct marketing communications regarding products and services that we and our partners offer regarding for example online casino, sports betting and financial services. This may be in the form of email or targeted online advertisements.

In some cases our processing of your personal data for marketing purposes will be based on our legitimate interests (see Section 3 above). When required by law it will be based on your consent.

You always have a right to say no to further direct marketing, at any time. You can use the opt-out link that you find in all direct marketing communications, or by contacting us (see Section 8).

We take steps to limit direct marketing to a reasonable and proportionate level, and to send you communications that we believe may be of interest or relevance to you, based on the information we have about you.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We will retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes listed in Section 3 of this Policy.

In some circumstances we keep your personal data during a certain period to meet for example legal, tax or accounting requirements.

We maintain a data retention policy for personal data in our care. Where your personal data is no longer required we will ensure it is either securely deleted or made anonymous.

We use Cookies

To offer you a full range of functions when you visit our website, recognize your preferences, and make the use of our website more comfortable and convenient, we use “cookies.”

Your options

By using our website, you agree to the use and storage of cookies on your computer or device.

You can generally view our website without cookies, but certain parts of the website may not work properly or navigating be slower.

If you do not wish cookies to be stored on your computer or device, you can deactivate the relevant option in the system settings of your browser. You can also delete stored cookies in the system settings of your browser at any time.

Categories of cookies

We use cookies for different purposes and with different functions. Some cookies are:

  • necessary in technical terms (technical necessity)
  • stored and used for a certain time period (storage duration)
  • placed and stored by us or a third party (cookie provider).


Cookie providers

Provider cookies: These are cookies are placed by us or the operator of our website, who is commissioned by us.

Third-party cookies: “Third-party cookies” are stored and used by other organizations or websites, for example Web analytics tools. External providers may also use cookies to display advertising or to integrate content from social networks, such as social plugins. For further information on Web analytics tools and measurement of reach, please see below in this cookie policy.

Use of cookies for Web analytics and reach measurement

We use Google Analytics, a Web analytics service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies to identify the frequency of use of certain areas of our website and to identify preferences. The information regarding your use of this website that is generated by the cookie (including your truncated IP address) is transferred to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Google will use this information to analyze your use of the website, compile reports on website activity for us, and perform further services associated with website use and Internet use. Google may also transmit this information to third parties where required by law or to the extent third parties process these data on behalf of Google.